Category: Data Governance


    During my time with the United Nations Global Pulse (the UN Secretary-General’s initiative on big data and artificial intelligence for development, humanitarian action, and peace) I was lucky to be involved in the progression, documentation, and implementation of data tool… Continue reading

  • MUSEUMS AND A.I NETWORK: A Toolkit for Stakeholders

    BACKGROUND The Museums and Artificial Intelligence Network will bring together a range of senior museum professionals and prominent academics to develop the conversation around AI, ethics and museums #museumsai Who? Principal Investigator: Dr Oonagh Murphy Lecturer in Arts Management at Goldsmiths, University… Continue reading

    MUSEUMS AND A.I NETWORK: A Toolkit for Stakeholders
  • ASIS&T: Information Practice in Data Driven Projects

    Seth Crider I attended the ASIS&T webinar, “Information Practice in International, Collaborative, Publicly Funded, Data Driven, Digital Humanities Projects”  presented by, Alex H. Poole (PhD), and Deborah A. Garwood (MSLIS, PhD student) from the Drexel University Department of Information Science. Within the contents of this… Continue reading

    ASIS&T: Information Practice in Data Driven Projects
  • INTERNAL REVIEW: Ethical Concerns of C/D Testing

    Seth Crider Introduction A/B testing has long been a tactic for companies evaluating “two versions of a landing page, web page or mobile app feature” (Rawat). The most common A/B scenario involves changing aesthetic details like button size or graphics… Continue reading

    INTERNAL REVIEW: Ethical Concerns of C/D Testing